dream within a dream within a dream within a dream..and so on …la infinit, trezire dupa trezire, aflare dupa aflare…raspunsuri sau posibile raspunsuri care se dau vietii..visurilor vietii, visului ca viata, vietii ca vis
They say that dreams are only real as long as they last. Couldn’t you say the same thing about life?
The worst mistake that you can make is to think you’re alive when really you’re asleep in life’s waiting room. this is like…WOW:) and this brings me to The ongoing WOW is happening right NOW
right about now…
right about now…
filmul e animat, o realitate desenata, mimata, vorbele se transforma in imagini, imaginatia prinde viata..o viata visata..in vise se povesteste despre alte vise, se explica VISul se vorbeste despre VISatori…si poate ca e de fapt despre trezire..oricum raspunsuri nu se dau, cel mult intrebari..pe care oricum ti le’ai mai pus, daca esti un om preocupat si de altceva decat sa ai un serviciu, sa ai o familie si sa traiesti zi dupa zi pana mori. oricum cam asa se intampla..numai ca in the mean time..incerci sa intelegi…
what’s all this?..
evident, filmul se termina intr’o levitare, posibila numai in vise, trezireA nu are loc, chiar daca ti’o doresti..chiar daca obosesti si esti satul sa nu mai vezi cat e ceasul, pt ca timpul nu exista niciodata in vis, cand nu te mai poti agata de ceva sau de cineva, …
how can i wake up? you should if u feel like to…they say
not true though..
cel mai rau lucru intr’un vis e ca nu il controlezi, cel muuult poti doar sa realizezi ca visezi, sa incerci sa schimbi cursul visului care de obicei o ia razna..dar deja atunci u are not longer asleep..m’am fortat odata sa ma trezesc si am reusit.
numai ca visul asta era viata si trezirea nu putea avea loc doar pentru ca ti’o doresti suficient de puternic..
There’s only one instant, and it’s right now. And it’s eternity.
so why not enjoy it?
so why not enjoy it?
(damn, that’s why i truly madly hate philosophy..it just drives u crazy in the end.)
it’s only a quiz and the answer is yes or no.
choose and then you will really wake up.
yeah, right:)
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