miercuri, 18 august 2010

barefoot in the park

auzisem de filmul asta, dar nu apucasem sa-l vad niciodata, nici nu stiam cine joaca, nu stiam nimic si totusi, e cu robert redford si cu jane fonda!
a fost ca o surpriza frumoasa de dimineata pe care o s-o transform intr-o obisnuinta care, cu siguranta, imi va inveseli multe zile de-acum incolo: filme vechi de vazut si chiar de revazut.

this one was quite looooveely:)

duminică, 15 august 2010

further quotes and notes

" And I gave up smoking at once", he said, "because I loved the motorcycle so".
"We all cling to something", I said
"To the wrong things-" he said, "and we start clinging too late. I will tell you the one thing I really believe out of all the things there are to believe".
"All right", I said.
"All people are insane", he said. "they will do anything at any time, and God help anybody who looks for reasons".

and when he found out that Helga was really her sister, Resi, after he mentioned about his book "Memoirs of a Monogamous Casanova", so after he had made love to her believing that she was his long missing/missed/mrs:P wife, he suddenly entitles his next chapter "A Polygamous Casanova"
' ..so unexpected and witty:D made me laugh out loud

and another... funny subtle joke:

"He beamed at me, and he said, "I'm not mad at anybody."
"That's certainly the way to be" , I said.
"I've got some advice for you", he said
"I'd be glad to have it", I said.
"Relax", he said, beaming, beaming. "Just relax."
"That's how I got here*", I said.

*in jail

"I had hoped, as a broadcaster, to be merely ludicrous, but this is a hard world to be ludicrous in, with so many human beings reluctant to laugh, so incapable of thought, so eager to believe and snarl and hate. So many people wanted to believe me!"

"There are plenty of good reasons for fighting," I said, "but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on his side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive."
"It's that part of an imbecile", I said, "that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly".

So I am about to be a free man again, to wander where I please.
I find this prospect nauseating.
I think tonight is the night I will hang Howard W. Campbell, Jr., for crimes against himself.
I know that tonight is the night.
They say that a hanging man hears gorgeous music. Too bad that I, like my father, unlike my musical mother, am tone-deaf. All the same, I hope that the tune I am about to hear is not Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas'.
Goodbye, cruel world!
Auf wiedersehen?

Atitudinea 'eroului' in mai toate legaturile lui cu societatea din afara natiunii formate din doi, atat de ...plata..mi-a adus aminte de "sa nu ma parasesti"

Iar morala pe care am asociat-o poeziei lui Sorescu, a venit chiar de la Vonnegut insusi:
"This is the only story of mine whose moral I know. I don't think it's a marvelous moral; I simply happen to know what it is ' We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be'. "

asadar, in mai multe cuvinte, aceleasi in esenta cu cele de mai sus, poezia in limba romana:


Sa cercetam bine
Cine se ascunde sub noi,
Sa fim foarte atenti
Pe cine numim

Ca nu mai poti
Avea încredere oarba
În nimeni,
Sa fim atenti, mai ales,
Pe cine numim

Îndesati cu genunchiul
Sub niste masti,
Atât de conventionale,
Râsul, plânsul, iubirea,
Ne caznim, stângaci,
Sa fim familiari cu noi.

Poate chiar reusim
În unele momente,
Dar ne speriem grozav
Când ne auzim glasul.

vineri, 13 august 2010

mother night

it's only fair for me to write about this book in the middle of the night surrounded by the memory of all those brittle words that are to follow me deep into my dreams. shall i write in english or in plain romanian..question marks floating in the cold dark air..
the quotes would be in english though as i am to boast myself for reading the entire novel in the language it was written into.

cartea asta intr-adevar m-a 'prins', desi scrisa de acelasi autor care acum o saptamana si ceva nu reusea sa-mi transmita nimic-dar in atatea alte dati, cate!-, acum mi-a tinut atentia alerta in cele cateva zile dedicate ei...la care, cu parere de rau, a trebuit sa ma desprind cand finalul in germana m-a obligat sa o inchid.si nici nu stiu daca se poate povesti vonnegut sau 'intelege', povestea pare sa fie mereu aceeasi, doar ca el gaseste mereu moduri inteligente de a o pune in scena. luciditatea personajului prezenta de la inceput pana la sfarsit, face redundanta orice invinuire a lui, e primul care stie despre el exact cum si ce trebuie. ar fi putut sa faca altfel, desigur, dar nu a facut si pentru asta atat viata cat mai ales el se condamna la moarte. deci nu o sa-l povestesc, o sa notez citatele care mi-au placut iar la final poezia cu care am asociat intreaga morala a cartii.

'i was sitting alone on a park bench in the sunshine that day, thinking of a fourth play that was beginning to write itself in my mind. it gave itself a title, which was 'das reich der zwei'-nation of two-
it was going to be about the love my wife and i had for each other. it was going to show how a pair of lovers in a world mad could survive by being loyal only to a nation composed of themselves-a nation of two.'
this could be the heart of his belief...in the beginning that is

'you hate america, don't you?' she said
'that would be as silly as loving it' i said. 'it's impossible for me to get emotional about it, because real estate doesn't interest me. it's no doubt a great flow in my personality, but i can't think in terms of boundaries. those imaginary lines are as real to me as elves and pixies. i can't believe that they mark the end or the beginning of anything of real concern to a human soul. virtues and vices, pleasures and pains cross boundaries at will'.

and then was the time when life happened and he became a nazi propangadist by reputation and an american spy by coincidence..

me being still so romantic i found this dialogue simply delightful:)
'we'd been apart for so long-i'd been dead for so long'she said in english. 'i thought surely you'd built a new life, with no room in it for me. i'd hoped that'.
'my life is nothing but room for you', i said ' it could never be filled by anyone but you'.

and the hero at a loss for romance bit by bit:

'in another bar, resi and i met a man who claimed he could satisfy, thoroughly satisfy. seven women in a night, provided they were all very different.
'i mean really different', he said
Oh, God- the lives people try to lead.
Oh, God-what a world they try to lead them in!'

quotes awaiting to be add in the morning since the night has taken me beyond these words into mere numbness:D
ora reala 1,30am

joi, 5 august 2010

limbo=: a place or state of neglect or oblivion

probabil ca s-a intamplat ceva 'in rau' cu mine, de absolut nimic din ce citesc sau vizionez nu ma mai impresioneaza la niciun mod.

am terminat ieri 'barba albastra'-vonnegut si am si vazut un film recomandat cu 'neaparat' in fata 'inception'.
despre carte nu o sa zic prea multe pentru ca prea multe nu mi-a transmis pe parcusul ei in asa fel incat sa-mi pastreze gandurile locului intre pagini si nu aiurea printre amintiri haotice. dar am terminat cartea fara sa reusesc sa fiu atenta la ea, fara sa mi se para interesant niciun cuvant de acolo, nicio expresie, niciun mesaj. sigur, ma mir cum am avut rabdarea sa o termin..dar paginile se dadeau una dupa alta singure la fel cum ideile imi zburau printre ele. notez ca am citit-o, totusi, pentru ca e un fel de reusita in contextul lipsei de interes manifestate de ceva vreme in a trece macar de 10 pagini din orice carte. marturisesc ca e doar vina mea.

cat despre 'inception', dau vina pe cei care au lasat ideea sa se rezume doar la o idee, ca au transformat ceva ce putea fi fantastic de plin de imaginatie la...un fim de-a hotii si vardistii. vis in vis in vis in vis, doar cei care viseaza putin sau deloc, pot considera asta un film care 'neaparat trebuie vazut'. asadar, mi-a placut ideea de baza a filmului, dar din pacate mi s-a parut ca totul a ramas la inceput.

marți, 3 august 2010

absurdul cam asta e

17 februarie 1941 Fundatie

Citesc niste scrisori ale lui Byron publicate intr-o editie din 1832, John Muuay-Roudon. Este o biografie scrisa de Thomas Moore in care gasesti multe scrisori si articole, intr-una, adresata lui Murray de la Ravena, 1820/9 N-bre, gasesc :"I know Henry Matthews: he is the image, to the very voice, of is brother Charles, only darker-his laugh his in particular. The first time I ever met him was in Scrope Davies's rooms after his brother's death, and I nearly dropped, thinking that it was his ghost. I have also dined with him in his rooms at King's College."
Am avut iar eterna mea tresarire. Teribil de greu sa vezi in moarte. Randurile de mai sus, atat de sinistru de vii! Viata dintr-asta de-a noastra. Banalul, cotidianul, linistitorul cotidian. Si totusi este un secol de cand a murit omul asta. Imposibil de crezut si totusi atat de adevarat incat este sinistru. Admit mult mai usor ca Byron e mort decat ca cel care a scris randurile de mai sus e mort.
Absurdul cam asta e.

Si totusi este aproape un secol de cand a murit si omul asta. si si si si.............