vineri, 13 decembrie 2013

i don't know what i've done to not deserve happiness.

7 comentarii:

  1. Maybe you didn't picture enough squirrels. Keep up the good work ! :P

  2. now that you mention it, that must be it X-(

  3. Oh, I'm just another stupid squirrel. Don't worry about me, I am harmless ;)

    Those ships looks amazing, where are they goin' ?

  4. citisem homelss:D (caractere ciudate am mai ales aici) voiam sa intreb, dar n-am indraznit pana la capat 'who are you (to talk about happiness or the lack of it)?":D
    as for the amazing ships, they're going nowhere..

  5. I thought she was leaving him for good. He looks like the saddest man on the face of earth. Maybe I'm not the only stupid squirrel round here... ;)
