sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012

random ideas

cateodata ideile foarte simple si bune apar din directii dinspre care cu siguranta nu te-ai fi asteptat sa apara. cum ar fi dintr-un film prost, dintr-o carte cu o poveste banala care nu reuseste sa te convinga desi te incapatanezi sa dai paginile mai departe.si din nimicul ala in care iti omorai timpul intentionat, rasare un raspuns senin, perfect parca pentru intrebarile haotice printre care bajbaiai.

yep, i know it's pretty silly, but right now this sort of answer works for me

We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.

marți, 20 martie 2012

outside (triggering inside..s)

staind times...it was 10 years ago if i recall correctly when i first heard this song and fell in love with it to the point i decided to buy the album. i loved all its songs and i knew each and every one of them by heart. it was spring time and the sky was blue, soft breezy air coming from the window. this music was my background, this music is now framing that moment in time. i'm looking at a nice picture of youth right now.