miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010
marți, 21 decembrie 2010
iarna cartilor inchise
am vreo cateva carti incepute la un moment dat si parasite la un alt moment plictisit dat. stiu despre ce e vorba in fiecare si ce anume m-a facut sa renunt, uneori mai revin, mai dau cateva pagini si iar le las. tot mai sper sa-mi trezeasca vreo revelatie, sa intrevad vreo sclipire printe randuri cat sa ma indragosteasca la a doua/treia vedere. dar rare au fost intamplarile astea si tot mai indepartate in timp.
exemple notabile de carti devorate dupa o prima abandonare ar fi doar 'padurea spanzuratilor' si mult iubita mea 'zenobia'.
dar revenind in prezent, si ajungand intr-un final la motivul acestei insemnari,am terminat saptamana trecuta 'accidentul'(mihail sebastian),o carte inceputa iarna trecuta si lasata dupa o jumatate lecturata . cerc inchis- am inceput-o iarna cand ningea si am terminat-o intr-o urmatoare iarna cand ningea, iar in carte ningea de rupea. o lasasem pentru ca subiectul si scrierea in sine mi se pareau mult prea ... puerile si pentru ca, ma rog, nu ma provoca intelectual la nimic intr-o asemenea masura incat nici efortul fizic de a da pagina dupa pagina nu s-a mai meritat.
acum insa, dupa toata vremea asta, mi-a amintit iarna de ea si dorinta de a citi ceva simplu, cald, romanesc. si am terminat-o extrem de rapid, neindragostindu-ma de ea, dar savurandu-i albul oferit amestecat cu povesti de dragoste terminate/incepute. dar mai ales cartea asta a fost despre schi...
-draga paul, cred ca viata noastra e plina de obiceiuri proaste, de manii si de idei fixe. schiul ne scoate din ele. pe urma, totul e sa nu ne lasam invinsi din nou.
eu o sa mai termin carti incepute in alte anotimpuri, poate-mi mai vin cu alte stari mai in acord cu timpul de acum.
exemple notabile de carti devorate dupa o prima abandonare ar fi doar 'padurea spanzuratilor' si mult iubita mea 'zenobia'.
dar revenind in prezent, si ajungand intr-un final la motivul acestei insemnari,am terminat saptamana trecuta 'accidentul'(mihail sebastian),o carte inceputa iarna trecuta si lasata dupa o jumatate lecturata . cerc inchis- am inceput-o iarna cand ningea si am terminat-o intr-o urmatoare iarna cand ningea, iar in carte ningea de rupea. o lasasem pentru ca subiectul si scrierea in sine mi se pareau mult prea ... puerile si pentru ca, ma rog, nu ma provoca intelectual la nimic intr-o asemenea masura incat nici efortul fizic de a da pagina dupa pagina nu s-a mai meritat.
acum insa, dupa toata vremea asta, mi-a amintit iarna de ea si dorinta de a citi ceva simplu, cald, romanesc. si am terminat-o extrem de rapid, neindragostindu-ma de ea, dar savurandu-i albul oferit amestecat cu povesti de dragoste terminate/incepute. dar mai ales cartea asta a fost despre schi...
-draga paul, cred ca viata noastra e plina de obiceiuri proaste, de manii si de idei fixe. schiul ne scoate din ele. pe urma, totul e sa nu ne lasam invinsi din nou.
eu o sa mai termin carti incepute in alte anotimpuri, poate-mi mai vin cu alte stari mai in acord cu timpul de acum.
duminică, 12 decembrie 2010
de doua ori in doua filme saptamana asta. the reader si revolutionary road.
cel de-al doilea, abia vazut, ... cutremurator.
atat doar voiam sa notez. viata prin povestile astea doua spusa (si) de ea e cutremuratoare.
John Givings: Hopeless emptiness. Now you've said it. Plenty of people are onto the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.
April Wheeler: Tell me the truth, Frank, remember that? We used to live by it. And you know what's so good about the truth? Everyone knows what it is however long they've lived without it. No one forgets the truth, Frank, they just get better at lying.
April Wheeler: I wanted IN. I just wanted us to live again. For years I thought we've shared this secret that we would be wonderful in the world. I don't know exactly how, but just the possibility kept me hoping. How pathetic is that? So stupid. To put all your hopes in a promise that was never made. Frank knows what he wants, he found his place, he's just fine. Married, two kids, it should be enough. It is for him. And he's right; we were never special or destined for anything at all.
April Wheeler: Look at us. We're just like everyone else. We've bought into the same, ridiculous delusion.
April Wheeler: Who made these rules anyway?
de doua ori in doua filme saptamana asta. the reader si revolutionary road.
cel de-al doilea, abia vazut, ... cutremurator.
atat doar voiam sa notez. viata prin povestile astea doua spusa (si) de ea e cutremuratoare.
John Givings: Hopeless emptiness. Now you've said it. Plenty of people are onto the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.
April Wheeler: Tell me the truth, Frank, remember that? We used to live by it. And you know what's so good about the truth? Everyone knows what it is however long they've lived without it. No one forgets the truth, Frank, they just get better at lying.
April Wheeler: I wanted IN. I just wanted us to live again. For years I thought we've shared this secret that we would be wonderful in the world. I don't know exactly how, but just the possibility kept me hoping. How pathetic is that? So stupid. To put all your hopes in a promise that was never made. Frank knows what he wants, he found his place, he's just fine. Married, two kids, it should be enough. It is for him. And he's right; we were never special or destined for anything at all.
April Wheeler: Look at us. We're just like everyone else. We've bought into the same, ridiculous delusion.
April Wheeler: Who made these rules anyway?
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